Excessive Blood Clotting
Excessive Blood Clotting
Some people are prone to developing thrombosis or clots in their blood vessels.
One common condition is Polycythemia or excess hemoglobin,
most often caused by heavy tobacco smoking and aggravated by alcohol abuse.

In other cases there may be some abnormal proteins which cause thrombosis.
These can all be detected by special tests and need regular monitoring and treatment by a hematologist.
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Our body has inbuilt mechanisms to stop excessive bleeding from injuries.
If there is a deficiency of platelets or clotting factors people will have bleeding from multiple places like nose, gums, stools, menses etc.
Inside our red cells is the protein called Hemoglobin which carries oxygen to all parts of the body.
Sometime hemoglobin is not formed properly and you get a condition called Thalassemia.