Anemia is not always a simple problem
Anemia is not always a simple problem
When you have anemia the hematologist sometimes will ask for a lot of tests, these are not only expensive but may also be painful for example having a bone marrow test done.

Anemia may be there because the body may be destroying blood which is formed or there could be a problem called Aplastic Anemia.
The doctor may also advise you
to get admitted into a hospital,
you may need blood transfusions.

There are also other very rare problems that can only be picked up by ordering expensive tests and send the sample to a specialised lab.
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When your body doesn't have enough blood, you are suffering from anemia. Anemia means your Haemoglobin content is low and so are the number of red cells.
In this disease, the bone marrow which normally forms all blood cells does not function and the patient suffers due to lack of red cells, white cells and platelets.